Process of Joining AIOU Online Workshops For Students – AAGHI LMS 

AIOU Online Workshops

The environment of education has changed dramatically as a result of the ongoing challenges posed by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the education delivery has shifted to online mode. In this regard, Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU), has smoothly adapted to the new normal by shifting its operations to the digital sphere.

This detailed guide seeks to clarify the road for students by providing a step-by-step tour of how to smoothly connect with AIOU Online Workshops and get the most out of these dynamic learning opportunities.

Understanding AIOU Online LMS:

Allama Iqbal Open University is known for its unique Learning Management System (LMS), which is named AAGHI. This platform serves as a digital center for holding workshops, providing students with an engaging and meaningful online learning experience.

Step 1: Check out the AIOU Online Workshops Portal:

First of all, what you need to do to access the workshops is to open your internet browser, most preferably Firefox or Chrome. Then, you need to enter the URL in the address bar and go to the link. After that, you need to log into your LMS so you can check the available workshops online.

AIOU Online Workshops Portal

Step 2: Selecting Your Course

When you have successfully logged into the portal, navigate to the “My Courses” menu. Choose the course that you need to work on. Once you have entered the homepage of the course, you can visit the dedicated workshop for that subject.

Step 3: Join Your AIOU Online Workshop:

After you have decided which workshop you have to proceed with, join the workshop at the allocated time to be a part of it. Since the workshops are conducted on the dot with respect to time, you must be punctual yourself so you don’t miss out on any of the content of the workshop.

Step 4: Getting Used to the Virtual Classroom Interface:

When you find and click on your desired workshop link, a “Join Session” button will appear prompting you to join the AIOU Workshop. After joining the link, you will be escorted to a virtual classroom where you can see loads of different options which are discussed below.

You’ll require a stable internet connection and a device with proper audio output capabilities to enjoy the online seminar smoothly.

Listen Only Mode:

When you only need to focus on the audio content, you can select the Listen only mode and divert your energy towards the listening portion of the workshop without having to bother with the microphone.

Virtual Classroom Sections:

Your virtual classroom will show the screen having the 3 important sections as follows:

  • Participant List: This list shows all the people attending the workshop, both teachers and students.
  • Chat Box:  It helps you to put your questions forward to the lecturer of the workshop. The feature is particularly useful if you aren’t that vocal and prefer typing your queries instead of asking them directly.
  • Main Section: The main section is where the presentation takes place with the digital whiteboard to ensure the points of the workshop are covered.

AIOU Online Workshop Teams Login Guide:

This tutorial will walk you through downloading, installing, and logging into Microsoft Teams using your login credentials. This step-by-step tutorial will ensure a smooth experience, whether you are using a desktop computer or mobile device. Now let’s get into the specifics:

Installing MS Teams on Desktop:

  • Open your browser on a PC, preferably Firefox or Google Chrome.
  • Go to Microsoft Teams download page using this link.
  • Then, you will be taken to the download page.
  • Click on “Download for Desktop.”
  • After the download, click on the setup to start the installation.
  • Microsoft Teams will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Logging In on Desktop:

  • Click on “Get Started” after installation.
  • Enter your User name and click “Subscribe.”
  • Enter your password and subscribe.
  • Click “OK” after signing in, and wait until your login is complete.
  • Finally, click on the “Done” button.

Installing Teams on your Phone:

  • To install Teams on your mobile, go to the Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for iOS.
  • Search for “Microsoft Teams” and click “Install.”
  • Open the app once you are done.

Logging on Mobile:

  • Enter your username and click “Next.”
  • Submit your password and sign in.
  • Follow any other instructions if asked.
  • Congratulations, you’ve successfully signed in.

Testing Your MS Teams Course:

  • Type “Microsoft Teams Testing” in the search bar to check your setup.
  • Click on the course, and then on the Microsoft link provided.
  • You’ll be redirected to Microsoft Teams; select your microphone and click “Join Now.”
  • You are now inside the virtual classroom.
  • Activate your account by clicking on the chat button and typing “As-salam-o-alaikum.”
  • To confirm activation, check your registered office spokesperson’s email.

If you follow all these steps correctly, you’ll be easily able to use Microsoft Teams for your online AIOU Workshops and have a seamless experience.

Final Words:

Accessing the virtual workshops of AIOU is a really simple and straightforward proces when you factor in the ease of use of the AAGHI LMS platform. Being familiar with all the functions of the platform will help you immensely in your online workshop-attending experience!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

For the best compatibility with the platform, we recommend using Chrome. However, you can also use Firefox or Edge.

Webcam sharing during the workshop is optional for students, allowing for flexibility based on personal preferences.

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